Ode to a Brother I shall Miss

FeaturedOde to a Brother I shall Miss
27.11.2019, Wednesday
Coat, cap, gloves and dress a black,
And this black Friday you leave it all a blank.
Your first smile to my face that night,
 I knew you were to my race at fight.

And in my quest to know you better,
It reached that both transpired sweet and bitter.
I’ve seen that glimmer in your eyes,
Where all those smithereens quietly lies.

And though you hide in your cave,
I still had my mind in your wave.
Quotidianly had you your moments of vexing,
Yet we tried within to have some relaxing.

Though you may believe inside you is darkness,
But some day you shall make it your strengthness.
And now, Adieu. Adieu, for now
You shall never be forgotten, my vow.
#hope #wait #believe

Alongside the Country Road

FeaturedAlongside the Country Road

19.05.2020, Tuesday

Oh glorious lamp of dusk!
How do thou bid thine day
Welcoming the darkest hour
As I witness thine golden rays busk

Oh shinin’ field!
Thine faint mumble
Flowing along the breeze
Hear at once my leed

Oh thou dinky whistler!
Marvellous ist thine melody
Majestic ist thine flutter
When I a mere whisper

Oh prodigious nature!
As your humble strand
Maketh me thine pupil
Teach me thine culture


Blue Empty Whisky Glass

Blue Empty Whisky Glass

28-07-2023, Friday

Rare were lonely grey Friday evenings

Few mates, drinks, and smokes would accompany

But today I feel no winds of change

Even old folk-rock songs don’t explain my sobriety.

While the weary heart wanders

As some poet sings with an accordion

Albeit I gulp amidst ancient mariners

Even the glass I’d drink my whisky is blue.

Like an albatross lost in the strange air

Seeking beings unmet within harbours never been

Hoping for a figmental being intrudes my solitude

With wine, rolled cigarettes, and conversation.

Gazing upon the bizarre stars above

Incognizant of direction in the unadapted place

Though the sailors are beyond oceans

It is the captain that is most pined for.


A Prayer

A Prayer

I am and have always been a skeptic throughout my life. Seeking answers have always been my volition. Recently I came across one of my simple poems wirtten four years ago and today, amidst time passing through a pandemic, I find it reasonable to share it

30/03/2016 – Wednesday

A Prayer

Where are the Gods?

Where are the Demons?

I see none guilty

In this brutal bloodshed

Where is the Paradise?

Where is the Hell?

I see refugees pursuing

And zoars becoming lairs

Where are the heaven-sent?

Where are the cursed?

I see only warm red blood

Selfish and begging

Where is the reborn?

Where is the born-again?

I hope to see the

I pray for prayers


#hope #wait #believe

I Walk. All Alone

I Walk. All Alone

02/04/2016, Saturday


Through the verdurous glooms

I walk

All alone

Without any fear

For all that could be gone

Is gone

Far away


Through a head of dreams

I walk

All alone

Broken, shattered

For its all withered away

Into dark fray

Of eternity


Through the blackness

I walk

All alone

Amidst the trees

For the hopes lost

Memories vexing fast

Casting shadows of death


Through the smiling breezes

I walk

All alone

That steals away the sorrow

For fading prayers

Without promises

Cast away


Through the sands of time

I walk

All alone

Accepting my invitation

For when it’s time

To move lame

As an angel


Through the valley of death

I walk

All alone

Leaving the anchorage behind

For the wind of change

Tearing off the card

I let go


Through the motionless path

I walk

All alone

Without guilt, regret and pain

For not turning backwards

I disappear

Into absolute nowhere



#hope #wait #believe














I Took a Moment

I Took a Moment

05/06/2016, Sunday


I took a moment

To the other side

To sit alone

In my creative space

I took a moment

To escape myself

To sense joy

Amidst the dark green

I took a moment

To look out with heart

Mangoes of the rodents

Twigs of the wings

I took a moment

To the hallow of nature

Oh ! It was a moment

To wallow in it.

#hope #wait #believe




29.03.2016, Tuesday

I have not been an opiate eating Indian male. But it is now as though of hemlock have I drunk, that you now appear to me as an evanescent iridescence, faint in the summer dark making me an insomniac in the euphora of my utopian world.

In my utopian virtuality, I have been anchored with the great expectations and hopes by the joyous and romantic experiencs of my enigmatic mind. I know it is difficult to break the arrow with which I have been conquered. The only act left is to leave the clutches of the fiercing curse behind and to break open the utopian virtuality into the realistic blood, where the leaves are green, where the roses are red and the violets blue.

And I persecute my journey in vain to meet whatever is called the destiny and fate of my insurgent life. It is then that I had realised that only if you unleash your inner strenght from the hide of the reality that you killed in the past, shall you be powerful enough to “evolve”.

#hope #wait #believe


As Open. For All

As Open. For All

02/02/2017, Thursday

As Open. For All

Under the bright golden star

Indiscriminant throughout it’s time

Scorching as it should

When it comes to the socially broken.

A few lay aside

Beneath the lone peepal

Comfort laid within

As open for all.

Finding reasons to live

Forgetting reasons to die

Gaining experience of well-known phenomenon

But what to it?

And there at yonder

A few lads in shorts

Swift in their sticks and tyres

As open for all.

And then some women

Around their usual plot

Thinking out aloud

And sometimes at quarrel.

Maybe just one, or twain

May seek for inspirational perspectives

From foregone life to future afar

As open for all.

But what of the inner life?

Of stories confined within

I do not know of it

For I cannot know of them

As if not at all open.

#hope #wait #believe


Moonful Mourns

Moonful Mourns

07/07/2017, Friday

Moonful Mourns


From a friend’s home

Flagged off my wayfare,

Step by step went my foot

And my legs took me far.


Through the busy streets

Amidst the noisy crowd,

In a  late evening

My heart went long.


Out past the rush

Was a lonesome bridge.

My physicals ceased at it’s peak

And my breath sighed.


Hands took on the railings

Head lifted high,

My eyes locked a paradise

Within the heavens above.


Selene rode around her

Trying to move away the dark clouds,

Making immortal light

Bringing joyful sorrows.


Then the rains poured down

To the river under my shoes,

And the waters rolled down

As streams under my cap.


#hope #wait #believe



The Stranger Beauty

The Stranger Beauty

05/06/2017, Monday

Nothing could be seen

Rather the sweet splendid smile.

I could even count the teeth

Rather shall I not

Though short, but fair

The eyes and smile

Converted all the flaws

Into cuteness on the face.

I wondered where could she go,

Through the same road as mine.

The wonderful eyes

The ravishing smile.

I lost my senses

When I sat myself down

Will I ever see her again?

How can I ever know?

Then I realized to myself

Beauty attracts the eyes

And more of it

Beauty is to be admired

A temporary change

From the same old days

In the usual omnibus

Throughout the rainy dusk.

I peeped again

For one last vision.

But what I saw

Was my own life ahead.

#hope #wait #believe